LT-LEDS Development

Connecting Today’s Action With a Sustainable Future

Raising global climate ambition requires long term planning. Countries are striving to align their NDCs with Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). To avoid a high-climate-risk future with catastrophic consequences, immediate, transformational shifts in policy and investment must be made now.  Developing countries, most vulnerable to climate change despite contributing less to climate change than developed countries, need assurance that resources are available to support them in greening their economies and implementing adaptation measures to help cope with the inevitable effects of climate change.

Through the NDC Partnership, countries are working to

  • Develop and update LT-LEDS by crafting the vision and strategies for long-term low emission and climate resilient development, understanding its benefits, challenges, and trade-offs; and putting in place actionable policies and plans to kick-start this development transition in a fair and sustainable manner.
  • Enhance and raise the ambition of updates to NDCs, fostering alignment with LT-LEDS and with the Paris Agreement and allowing for timely submission of the NDCs due in 2025 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This support is being coordinated through the NDC Partnership’s Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS.

Regular Request Opportunities Aligned With CE

With momentum from the Glasgow Climate Pact in 2022, countries are preparing and implementing LT-LEDS to achieve net zero emissions by mid or near mid-century. LT-LEDS are powerful policy instruments for countries to identify and prioritize systemic changes, providing an opportunity for countries to develop robust long-term strategies that connect to NDC processes and link economic development with climate action.

To execute these transitions, countries need to identify finance needs, understand and assess policy implications and related reforms, and develop enabling frameworks to mobilize investment. In response to the specific needs of countries, the NDC Partnership offers comprehensive and tailored support with the aim of providing clear and long-term policy direction designed to drive sustainable development.

LT-LEDS Support Through the NDC Partnership (Data Analysis Performed by Climate Analytics)

  • 81 total requests for support to the Partnership included support needs directly related to LT-LEDS (1.5% of all requests received).
  • Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Sub-Saharan Africa have submitted the most LT-LEDS requests to the Partnership, accounting for over two-thirds of all requests.
  • Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are distinctly underrepresented in the number of requests for support shared with the Partnership. Few SIDS from the Caribbean have submitted an LT-LEDS support request, while SIDS from the Pacific region have submitted just two requests.
  • Most requests leave the sector undefined or cross-cutting. Only a small fraction request sector specific support (energy, followed by industry, agriculture, and transport.
  • The most frequent activity type, covering close to 60% of requests, is “Enacting and revising national strategies and plans.” This is followed by “developing studies and analysis” (31%)) “developing capacity” (30%), “engaging stakeholders” (30%), and “developing or updating MRV/M&E systems and collecting data”(27%).
  • 69% of requests are receiving support, recognizing aa growing recognition of the importance of LT-LEDS as a complementary policy tool to NDCs.